

July 2016

A Career in Law Enforcement: Part Three

In part two, we got you through retirement. But because law enforcement and most public safety careers allow you to retire while you are still young, you still have a great deal to contribute before you stop working. After 25-30+ years doing law enforcement work (reserve officer, 5-8 years police, 20+ working federal), you have skills that are very much in demand in other fields. Experience Continue reading “A Career in Law Enforcement: Part Three”

A Career in Law Enforcement: Part Two

In the first section, we talked about getting started in your career. Now it’s time to start working toward the next level in your law enforcement future. You’ve completed your first year successfully, focusing entirely on learning about your new career, you are now starting the classes for your Master’s Degree. You should plan on leaving the police department in five, and no more than seven Continue reading “A Career in Law Enforcement: Part Two”

A Career in Law Enforcement: Part One

As part of my thirty plus year career in safety, security, conduct and law enforcement I worked as a police officer for many years. I have known a lot of others who have done so as well. Because of that, people who are interested in a law enforcement career will often ask me what I would suggest for them to get into the career field. First, some perspective. I had a great law enforcement career. Continue reading “A Career in Law Enforcement: Part One”

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